Profession Advent x3 Will x3
Adventurer Prudent Reposeful
Agent Impetuous Tempestuous
Bureaucrat Passionate Tempestuous
Doctor Benign Reposeful
Enforcer Prudent Unshakeable
Engineer Industrious Unshakeable
Fixer Impetuous Reposeful
Keeper Benign Unshakeable
Martial Artist Impetuous Unshakeable
Meta-Physicist Passionate Reposeful
Nano-Technician Benign Tempestuous
Shade Passionate Unshakeable
Soldier Prudent Tempestuous
Trader Industrious Reposeful
Advent Professions    
Benign Doctor Keeper Nano-Tech
Impetuous Agent Fixer Martial Artist
Industrious Engineer Trader  
Passionate Bureaucrat Meta-Phys Shade
Prudent Adventurer Enforcer Soldier
Will Professions        
Reposeful Adventurer Doctor Fixer Meta-Phys Trader
Tempestuous Agent Bureaucrat Nano-Technician Soldier  
Unshakeable Enforcer Engineer Keeper Martial Artist Shade
  There are 9 pieces of Tier 2 Armor (10 if you are an Adventurer)
  1 x Embryo of Yomi' Arallu for each piece ( 6 for complete normal set )
  1 x Canister of Pure Liquid Notum for each piece ( 6 for complete normal set )
  3 x Advent of the <xxxxxx> for each piece ( 18 for complete normal set )
  3 x Will of <xxxxxx> for each piece ( 18 for complete normal set )
Trade 3x Wills and 1 Embryo for a glyph (A)  
Trade 3x Advents for a Glyph (B)  
Activate 1st Glyph (A) with Cannister of Pure Liquid Notum
Combine Glyphs (A) and (B) and apply to T1 Armor Piece
  See guides below for more detail, and guide for Adventurer's Armor and Jokers' Glyph
by Viss88